Sunday, August 30, 2009

Advisors, Czars, Cabinet Members, Overwhelming the System, and Inflicting Confusion, part 1

Again, what is with all of the czars? Why is the president aligning himself with anti capitalists, communists, socialists, revolutionaries, and radicals? The connections to progressive, community organizing and radical groups is mind-boggling. Once one starts to delve into the wealth of information available, the trails and interconnections start growing exponentially.

Today I was just looking at a list I found from late July of the new "appointees", 28 at the time, at least 37 as of late August. So I picked at random, Todd Stern, the new Special Envoy for Climate Change. FIRST thing I find and confirm is he is a senior fellow at the George Soros funded Center for American Progress. Wasn't Mark Lloyd a senior fellow at CAP? Yes, yes he was. Isn't Mark Lloyd the new diversity czar? Yes he is. Stern was also involved with the Clinton administration in environmental policy. When you start researching that, it leads to Agenda 21. Agenda 21 is linked with global governance, the UN, the WHO, the FAO. President Clinton formed the department after the first President Bush signed away part of our sovereignty on Prince Charles' yacht in 1992. Which leads to the Trilateral Commission and the Bildergerg Group and lots of global governance theories.

I really wish I had 4 or 5 wall-sized cork boards, thousands of push-pins and 1000's of yards of yarn so I could create a web of connections. They are endless. It's really difficult to focus on one point because of all the intricacies. That is Saul Alinsky's advice, overwhelm the system. My main focus is internal U.S. government corruption and exposing what I can, but it goes so much deeper. It is infested throughout both major political parties. It's like pro wrestling, they fight in the ring, but after the show they go have dinner and drinks and discuss how tomorrows show will unfold. It's disgusting. We are all being fooled and indoctrinated into believing it's OK. Some of us will continue to believe in the honesty of government and those will be the ones to fear in the new civil force. Some of us are waking up and seeing through the veil. Some of us have found or are finding our voice and are not going to sit back idly.

I want to be wrong. I want to believe that life in the United States is all lollipops, puppies, and rainbows. I don't like to focus on the negative, but someone has to or the ones who don't are going to get hit by a steam roller. I don't believe I am wrong. I believe we are already in a radical transformation and will wake up someday soon and freedom and liberty as we know it will be gone. If and when that day comes, what side will you be on? Will you stand up and fight for freedom, like generations of Americans before us? Or will you sit back and let the status quo become one of virtual slavery to the state?


  1. Greg, thanks for starting this blog!! I, too, have felt for a long time that things just aren't right in our government. It comes from both sides, not only Dems or Repubs. I, too, listen to Glenn Beck when I can (have even talked on air to him) but have skepticism until I check the facts for myself. I appreciate the time you are taking to do background work/checks. I want to but have other things that have taken precedence like kids.
    Just wanted you to know this is appreciated and I hope you keep it up!!!!! I'll be checking in often.

  2. Thanks for the support, I really appreciate it. I will do all that I can, just spread the word. There are a lot of people feeling this right now, a lot of people waking up.
