Friday, August 28, 2009

Moving In the Direction of.......?

Let's start with, yes, I listen to Glenn Beck on the radio when I am able to. I look at his website periodically. I agree with much of what he has to offer, by no means all. I have been accused of being "brainwashed" or "you just get that from Glenn Beck", possibly true. But, what really turned me on to his show was that he was saying what I was already feeling in my gut, but didn't know where or how to express it. I have lived on the premise that there is MASSIVE corruption in the government, on all levels, as far back as I was ever involved in or paid attention to politics at all.

The next thing I get is, "why are you so vocal now, you weren't before?" (Apparently this makes look like I am only saying things against Obama)That may be where I was wrong. I should have been more vocal before. I should have paid more attention, I had the gut feeling, I chose not to act on it. I wish I had. I wish we ALL had. I talked about politics. I was against the wars. I was against the Patriot Act. I was against the massive spending. And, I took the stimulus check. I wish I hadn't. I had a feeling that there was something not right about it, but it was a $1600 check, I needed the cash, I put it in the bank and spent it. It won't happen again. I have found my voice now. I know it was always there, just waiting to be unleashed on the masses.

On that note, this country has been transferred from a steam engine onto the bullet train down the track to something that none of us will recognize. Glenn Beck has laid out a HUGE map to this country's demise as a democracy, and most people won't pay attention because he's been labeled as some right-wing kook. But I've been looking, trying to find the truth on my own, trying to refute what he's found. I am finding a lot of REALLY close connections, I have not been able to refute any of it. Nor has the White House. Nor has the media. I listen to liberal/progressive radio as much or more than conservative radio, because I really want to have the fair objective, they can't dispute the facts he's put out there. Most of the personalities won't even try to dispute the facts and when they do try and can't, they hang up on people and call Beck any number of crazy names.

What if only a small fraction of his information was true, for instance, Van Jones is a self-avowed communist who has started a multitude of radical, revolutionary and sometimes violent communist and racist groups, and has been imprisoned for violence as a result of the Rodney King riots which his group was largely responsible for.(whew) If only this fact were true, does it not give you pause that a COMMUNIST is advising the president. Didn't the FBI catch that in their vetting process, oh, wait, I forgot, the White House took some of those processes out of the hands of the FBI so they could do that themselves. Does the connection of Brazilian state run oil, who we are loaning $2,000,000,000 to drill in a massive oil reserve even though we can't drill in ours to protect the environment, and George Soros flip a switch? He owns a majority 22% stock in the firm and happens to be buddies with the president and many others in D.C. Let's, for shits and giggles, say that only 15% of the information and direct connections to President Obama, ACORN, SEIU, CAP, the 37+ new czars and how they are positioned to cut off the power of congress, etc., etc., only 15% of the info, does that not frighten you? The power and corruption and deceit are endless. And power only creates the desire for more power.

Why do we need to "fundamentally change America"? Why do we need to fund, as much as the military, a civilian force? Who is the enemy? Why are we OK with communists, revolutionaries, anti-capitalists and radicals advising our president? Do you think Obama has no idea about their background? Why is there ALWAYS a crisis? Why don't doesn't congress read the bills? Isn't it their job to represent their constituents, not push the president's or party's agenda? Do you feel represented? Just ask the questions.


  1. Greg, I am 100% behind you on this. It frightens me for my kids and grandkids. We no longer have a republic, we are socialists. The United States of America will be no more in a few years.

  2. Greg while you and I stand united on the fact that what is happening now is mind boggling and not in any way what either party would stand for, I want you and those who follow you to know that I don't believe that all government is corrupt. I know people, good people, who work in government. I was raised with some of these people and they would want nothing to harm our country.

    I do still believe in the war effort. I have friends and people who I consider family fighting there. They are fighting battles on their turf so that we don't have to fight them on ours. Beyond that, the freedoms they are fighting for and winning for those people are greatly appreciated by the vast majority of those people.

    I was okay with the Patriot Act when it was passed because I had nothing to hide, still don't. I'm certain I felt the way I did about the Patriot Act because of being raised by a father in law enforcement. If you don't gather information on people who are going to do bad things, you can only catch them after those bad things have already happened. I chose to believe that the government was going to use the information gathered with that Act to stop people in this country and other countries from harming our citizens. Now I am questioning that Act. Now that it's in place they can use that Act to monitor anyone, anytime, anywhere if they believe that a person is out to cause harm. Just because I don't like what's happening with our government right now, does that mean they can monitor me? Again, nothing to hide here.

    I never was behind the stimulus checks either, did I spend mine... yes.
    I was not in favor of government bailing anyone out. Did I take my $1600 dollar bailout. Yes I did. Looking back I think it was a tactic to get the American people to shut up. I think in essence it was a way to say, "We gave you money and you spent it... so shut up when we give money to banks and companies so they can spend it". I think now that most Americans feel the way we did. Somewhat guilty for having spent that money, but we (almost) all needed it too.

    I would venture a guess that most of the companies who took bailouts and now answer to the government don't like that aspect any more than we feel good about spending that money. Did they need the money? That's questionable when we see them spending it on things that don't seem important. Did they need some of the money to stay afloat, probably. But then why didn't we just let capitalism play out? It would have hurt our economy too much. Hmm... I'm certain it would have hurt. Would we have wound up in a time of "great depression" maybe? Would it have been something needed? Maybe. I have no real answers here, but I do have questions.

    The thought of a Civilian Force scares the shit out of me. I wonder if he's gearing up Americorps and saying now that it is a service organization (with many organizations umbrellaed under it) and then later when "people" are becoming violent (SEIU - and I have a great e-mail I'm sending to you) against Americorps he'll "recommend" they arm themselves.

    I think there is a huge bus being driven by a group of someone's (be they radicals, communists, anti-capitalists... someone) out there that has this going 90 miles an hour. I don't know how we as citizens will stop it and I hope Glenn gives us good pointers tonight.

  3. By the way, what is the wheelchair icon next to the security word they have to type in...? I got some recording that sounded a bit like a bunch of sentences being recorded over other sentences. The only thing I could make out were very distinctive numbers being said... 9,8,4. Then the whole thing repeated, any thoughts?

  4. Thans for the support, anonymous. There are things to be afraid of but we are a strong people. Stand tall and strong and spread the word even if it makes you look like a kook. I am now in the kook camp and the water is quite warm.

  5. I sometimes tend to over generalize, kids. I know there are well meaning, honest people in government. I just tend to believe that the temptation of power eventually corrupts most politicians and especially career politicians. And though I did not support the wars, I 100% support our troops. I have the deepest respect for anyone who is willing to sacrifice their own lives for a greater good. The Patriot Act, as a concept of catching the foriegn bad guys who want to fly planes into buildings, was not a horrible idea in itself, but the legislation was written in such broad terms that it was bound to encroach on person freedoms, liberties, and privacy of average citizens. And Americorp.....what does one say....freaks me the frick out! And people are gettng slammed for Nazi comparisons. Are these not the Brown Shirts of Hitler or Musilini's Black Shirts? And when are we going to see Stalin's "re-education camps"?

  6. Doesn't the Re-education come in their 3 month mandatory "basic training" for all 16-25 year olds

  7. Oh, yeah, silly me, I forgot about mandatory volunteerism! Isn't that an oxymoron? Doesn't that detract from freedom of choice? I know when I volunteer, it's because I want to help out in some way and choose to do so on my own, not because I'm mandated to (unless my wife tells me to, but she's not the federal government, so I'm OK with it.)

  8. Did I mention that I WILL NOT be sending my kids to voluteer camp, even if it means jail time, I draw the line there. Actually I've drawn my line way, way before that, I'm hoping every one else will, too, so we might be able to stop this train wreck.

  9. I for one, am writing a list down of exactly what I believe and why, so once we are "re-educated" I can come home, pull out my little list and remember from whence I came. I just hope they don't pull out those memory erasers like from Men In Black. That would totally suck.
